The Source of Lipstick
Human beings have always been pursuing individuality and searching for a unique self.The history of lipstick can be traced back to 2500 BC. In ancient civilizations, makeup was a symbol of identity, and both men and women were addicted to it.People during the Sumerian civilization were early users of lipstick. Human ancestors used natural materials such as fruits, nail flowers, clay rust, etc. to make lip dyes, while Mesopotamian women had long used ground precious jewelry to add color and luster to their lips. The classic design of the famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra is her bold and stunning red lips. It is said that her lipstick is a mixture of crushed carmine beetles, beeswax, and oil, which not only enhances beauty but also protects her lips from the dry and harsh desert climate.
Around the 8th century,Abu al Qasim al Zahrawi, a beautician in Andalusia, Arabia, created a solid lipstick, which is a perfume stick rolled in a special mold. This is also the prototype of modern tubular lipstick. In 1884,French cosmetics company Guerlain has become a producer of commercial lipstick products. They make it from deer fat, castor oil, beeswax, and then cover it with silk paper. Modern industry has also brought lipstick into the homes of ordinary people.